Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why Wind Mitigation Matters

by Jenni Boucher
   Have you ever considered what you could do to make your home safer in the event of a hurricane? Did you know that these upgrades could significantly lower your property insurance premiums? Manatee Home Inspection Services owners Ken & Sharri Miller saved $788 on their 2013-2014 insurance premiums by installing hurricane clips to anchor the roof framing to the walls of their 1955 home.

  Wind Mitigation is the process of securing your home to make it better able to withstand wind and water intrusion during a tropical storm or hurricane. Many homeowners are unaware that there are many small (and large) upgrades that can be made to their home to make it safer during a storm, many of which may already be installed in their home!

  These types of upgrades can be very inexpensive, such as installing plywood shutters to protect windows & glass doors, or hurricane clips to fasten the roof framing to the walls. Larger upgrades, such as metal or vinyl hurricane-rated shutters and replacing existing doors & windows with impact-resistant models are more expensive, but generally add to the appearance of the home. Homes permitted after February 28, 2002 are required to have many of these upgrades installed per the Florida Building Code.

   According to Florida’s Foundation, a state-run non-profit organization dedicated to Wind Mitigation, homes built to Florida Building Code standards qualify for a minimum 68% discount on their property insurance premiums. Any home can qualify for discounts with a few upgrades, such as an 11% discount for hurricane-rated shingles, a 35% discount for plywood shutters, a 44% discount for hurricane-rated shutters, 35% discount for hurricane clips or straps in the attic, or an 82% discount for having a poured-solid concrete roof. Altogether, homes can qualify for a maximum 88% discount on their property insurance premiums with these upgrades. In order to find out how much you can save, you must have a Universal Mitigation Verification Form filled out by a licensed home inspector to submit to your insurance company.

   These same upgrades can also save your home in the event of a major storm. Most damage is caused by wind or water intrusion due to broken windows & doors or improperly installed vents and soffits. Once wind enters the home, forces called “uplift” literally could lift the roof from the structure. When water intrudes, it can begin to cause mold and mildew in a matter of days with Florida’s hot and humid climate.

   Why does Wind Mitigation matter? A few small upgrades to your home can save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars every year on property insurance premiums, protect your real estate investment and make your home a safer place to live.

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